
View over Radbrook Fields

Radbrook Fields development

Recently plans were submitted to build 52 new houses on Radbrook Fields next to Mousecroft Lane. Many local people and groups submitted objections to the plans.

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What's the threat?

Recently plans were submitted to build 52 new houses on Radbrook Fields next to Mousecroft Lane. Many local people and groups submitted objections to the plans. These objections raised a number of issues:

  • Radbrook Fields is a key part of Shrewsbury’s green space and are important for wildlife. The site is designated a Local Wildlife Site, part of a network of key sites for conservation.
  • The proposed development won’t be right for Radbrook and it won’t make life better for local people. This means it will fail the ‘Shrewsbury Test’ outlined in the Big Town Plan.
  • We would lose our local green space. Radbrook Fields is well-used by many local people every day.
  • This site is not well-served by public transport and more housing would lead to more traffic on local roads. We should be encouraging safer, active travel and improved air quality by reducing the number of cars making short journeys.

What's happening?

The planning application has been refused! The usual time limit for an appeal is six months so the developers have until late May 2019 to appeal this decision.

So are the Fields safe?

Yes, for the moment. However, the developers have tried to get planning permission several times before, so they might appeal the decision or submit a new application.

They may also try to appeal against the site not being allocated for development in the Local Plan. Although the fields are not currently allocated, there could be a risk of the site being included if the people who want to see it built on shout louder than those of us trying to save it.

How can you help?

The consultation on which sites to allocate for development (‘Preferred Sites’ Consultation) is currently live. You can comment on this. We will be commenting: “We are pleased that Radbrook Fields (north of Mousecroft Lane) has been excluded from these allocations. Radbrook Fields should remain unallocated for housing or any other development as it is a valuable asset providing much needed green space. This is in line with local and national planning policy and the ambitions of the Shrewsbury Big Town Plan of ‘nurturing nature’ and protecting and providing green networks. Radbrook Fields also support priority habitat and protected species as well as being a local wildlife site and should not be built on.”

The consultation documents are on the Shropshire Council website: See the main consultation documents (the Shrewsbury section is document 17). You can then use the response questionnaire (also labelled document 17).

Once completed, submit your questionnaire by email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by post to: Shropshire Council, Planning Policy & Strategy Team, Shirehall, Shrewsbury, SY2 6ND. Closing date: 31/01/19.

Join the Friends of Radbrook Fields Facebook group for updates.

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Published and promoted by Chris Davenport for the Shropshire Green Parties, 124A Battlefield Road, Shrewsbury, SY1 4AQ

Copyright © 2024 The Shropshire Green Parties