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Green Party Councillors Call for a Good COP for Shropshire

2nd November 2021

Green Party Councillors across Shropshire have written to Shropshire Council leaders and Members of Parliament asking them to take the actions, which are essential if the county is going to play its part in the reduction and elimination of carbon emissions.

The actions, which Green Councillors say need to be taken urgently, include a new Net Zero Economy and Wellbeing Strategy for Shropshire; the decarbonisation of all social housing by 2030; help for other home owners to insulate our leaky housing stock; ensuring that all new homes are zero carbon on completion; providing comprehensive and affordable bus travel; promoting renewable energy including from wind; implement strategies for waste minimisation and sustainable food; abandoning the NW relief road in favour of active transport and reconnecting towns like Oswestry to the rail network. We will also need an Adaptation and Resilience Plan that will help residents manage inevitable climate change that is happening now.

The group of Green Councillors also called for an end to fossil fuel heavy investments with a commitment to move the Council’s pension funds out of coal, oil and gas once and for all.

Shropshire’s MPs were pressed to ensure that government makes the changes necessary for local councils to play a full and effective part in achieving net zero.

Shrewsbury Councillor and Green Group Leader Julian Dean said:

“While Shropshire Council has taken steps in the right direction, not enough is yet being done locally to contribute to the national effort to keep us close to the Paris threshold of 1.5﮿C of warming, and some policies continue to take us in the opposite direction. We must address people’s real issues in the county, from fuel poverty to poor transport links, with zero carbon solutions.”

Oswestry Councillor Duncan Kerr said:

“We have written to the leaders of Shropshire Council and to the county’s MPs. We urge them to take the actions suggested. Most people want action to be taken to tackle the Climate and Ecological Crisis and politicians have a responsibility to deliver whatever’s necessary to keep their constituents safe.”

Church Stretton Town Councillor Lyn Antill added:

“Shropshire needs affordable zero-carbon homes and transport for rural and town communities, for young families and for the elderly. Instead, we continue to face over-development of homes that are too expensive for local people, and neighbourhoods where we still have to rely on cars. It’s time to rethink these policies”.

The open letter can be downloaded here.

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Published and promoted by Chris Davenport for the Shropshire Green Parties, 124A Battlefield Road, Shrewsbury, SY1 4AQ

Copyright © 2025 The Shropshire Green Parties