Past Events

Sara Mai

From Waste to Resource: A Short Trashy Talk

Tue 16th March 7.00pm to 8.00pm

Sara Mai, a Shrewsbury based visual artist who creates art and design from waste stream materials, will give a short illustrated talk on the re-valuation of common day waste as a resource for meeting local need.

Sara has been working with plastic bottle tops creating sustainable art, design and educational shows for the last ten years. In the summer she usually attends festivals with Clean Stream, who supply a operated drinking water source and process water supply, as well as offering a handwashing facility. Clean Stream also provide segregated waste collection, as a means of running a resource centre for clean materials required on site.

Pay what you feel - money raised will go to the Shrewsbury Green Party to help fund our election campaign.

Tickets available here.

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Published and promoted by Chris Davenport for the Shropshire Green Parties, 124A Battlefield Road, Shrewsbury, SY1 4AQ

Copyright © 2024 The Shropshire Green Parties