
Green Party activists in St Martins

Greens celebrate election results

6th May 2024

Greens celebrate election success; now over 800 councillors on 129 councils.


Commenting on the weekend local election results around the country Cllr Duncan Kerr from the North Shropshire Green Party said:

"It is clear that the Conservative Party has run out of ideas, they lost nearly half the Council seats contested, as they go down the Green Party is on the up increasing our Councillors by 69% and now having over 800 Councillors on 129 Councils right across the Country.

It is worth remembering that in North Shropshire the Green Party are the only other political party to hold Shropshire Council seats, neither Labour nor the Lib Dems won any seats at the last election.

The next elections are 12 months away in 2025 and the growing green team are out doing what we do, election or not, delivering our newsletters and talking to local people".

Picture shows Green Party activists in St Martins.

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Published and promoted by Chris Davenport for the Shropshire Green Parties, 124A Battlefield Road, Shrewsbury, SY1 4AQ

Copyright © 2024 The Shropshire Green Parties