
Planet Earth getting warmer

Shropshire Green candidates respond to Conservative manifesto

26th November 2019

Commenting on the launch of the Conservative party manifesto John Adams, Green party candidate for North Shropshire said:

“The Conservative manifesto demonstrates a complete lack of realism in addressing the climate emergency. It restates the existing, inadequate commitment to net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and offers some funding for measures related to environmental protection. Crucially though, it lacks the necessary ambition and sees deregulated, free market capitalism as the solution to climate change rather than being the major cause of environmental destruction and increasing inequality that it is. We will never achieve global consensus for collective action to reverse climate change without reversing economic inequality, an idea that is completely contrary to the Thatcher doctrine that “It is our job to glory in inequality and see that talents and abilities are given vent and expression for the benefit of us all”. Rather than ‘trickling down’ to everybody, wealth has actually ‘trickled up’ to the richest few, increasing inequality”.

Julian Dean, Green party candidate for Shrewsbury and Atcham added: “This general election may well be our last chance to vote for the huge investment needed to transform the economy away from dependence on fossil fuels before climate change spirals beyond human control.

The Conservative party wants the country to believe the defining issue of our time is ‘Getting Brexit Done’. Boris Johnson uses this soundbite six times in his Introduction to the manifesto. Nothing could be further from the truth. Compared to where we are now this country would suffer no material damage if we fail to ‘Get Brexit Done’, but the whole world faces enormous disruption and suffering if we fail to reverse man-made climate change at the unprecedented speed demanded by scientific understanding”.

According to John: “The implications of reversing climate change seem to be beyond the comprehension of mainstream political parties who have been failing for decades to engage seriously with the impending crisis. There is no reason to believe they have the bravery or the wisdom to effect the cultural transformation that is needed to offer our children the prospect of a safe, fair and hopeful future. Mainstream politicians are clearly not up to the job, so it is now left to the citizens of Shropshire to stand with the Green party and demand such change in the general election on 12th December”.

Julian concluded by saying: “The easiest way to protect our children’s future is to maximise the number of Green MPs elected to Parliament. The Green party has been developing these transformational policies over 10 years. It is the only party with a mature political programme that rises to the challenges of reversing climate change and creating a fair and just society. Increased numbers of Green MPs could make all the difference to the future, especially if, as seems likely, no party wins an overall majority in the election”.

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Published and promoted by Chris Davenport for the Shropshire Green Parties, 124A Battlefield Road, Shrewsbury, SY1 4AQ

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