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Shropshire Green Parties to launch Green New Deal

30th April 2019

Shropshire's Green Parties have produced a route plan to a sustainable low carbon future.

The Green New Deal document highlights the actions Shropshire Council can take to make a real impact on dealing with Climate Change.

Green Party Councillor for Porthill, Julian Dean said:

"2019 needs to be remembered as the year that Shropshire turned a corner on climate change. There are real opportunities with the Local Plan Review to do things much better, for the climate and for the people in need of homes. But we are still seeing the council doing the wrong thing in too many areas, such as plans for cuts to bus services whilst spending money on a polluting North West 'Relief Road'. Shropshire Green Party has a set of workable policies that could start to put us on the right track."

The new Green Deal is being launched at a meeting on Tuesday May 14th at 7pm at the Darwin Community Centre in Frankwell. This meeting will also host Ellie Chowns, the Lead Candidate for the West Midlands Green Party in the upcoming European Elections. Ellie has done great work as a Green Party councillor in Herefordshire and has international experience that will make her a great MEP. All are welcome to a question and answer session with Ellie.

More information is available here.

Copies of the Green New Deal document are being delivered to every Shropshire Councillor and we urge all local residents to ask their councillor how they will respond.

The Shropshire Green New Deal covers key areas which are big news in Shropshire - house building, the proposed North West 'Relief' Road and, of course, climate change. We are excited to be launching this, but it will put a strain on our funds.

Please help us out by contributing to our crowdfunding campaign.

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Published and promoted by Chris Davenport for the Shropshire Green Parties, 124A Battlefield Road, Shrewsbury, SY1 4AQ

Copyright © 2024 The Shropshire Green Parties