North West "Relief" Road

North West 'Relief' Road artists impression

North West "Relief" Road

The Green Party opposes any plans to build a road across the Severn Valley north of Shrewsbury:

  • It would be hugely expensive taking at least £17m from Shropshire Council's budget, plus 100% of any overspend on the project, at a time of very tight budgetary constraint. The money would be better spent on improvements to public transport and encouraging more people to walk, cycle or even car-share.
  • It wouldn't work, with any "relief" being temporary at best. Not only would congestion return soon after completion, but the increased traffic generated would further increase carbon emissions at a time when we urgently need to reduce them.
  • It would damage an important and unique landscape and its wildlife.

Read our objection to the road on the Shropshire Planning Portal.

Read our letter to the Department for Transport stating our objection to this project.

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Published and promoted by Chris Davenport for the Shropshire Green Parties, 124A Battlefield Road, Shrewsbury, SY1 4AQ

Copyright © 2024 The Shropshire Green Parties