
Litter pickers

Oswestry Litter Pick Success

1st September 2019

Duncan Kerr Deputy Mayor of Oswestry was joined by other Green Party Town Councillors and many local families in a voluntary litter pick of Wilfred Owen Green on Sunday the 1st of September.

Twelve sacks of rubbish were collected alongside a discarded bicycle, a shopping trolley and a long length of wire fencing. All the rubbish was taken to the Civic Amenity site where the cans and bottles were sorted for recycling.

Cllr Kerr said "I’d like to thank everyone who gave up an hour to help their community in this way. Discarded rubbish is not justly unsightly it can be very damaging to birds and animals. The amount of broken glass around the picnic benches was very sad to see. The discarded bicycle was a bit of a surprise for us, if no-one claims it, we will take it to the repair café which is meeting in the Memorial Hall on Saturday the 6th September."

More litter picks will be arranged by Green Party Councillors in the future, details will be in given in the newsletter Green View Oswestry.

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Published and promoted by Chris Davenport for the Shropshire Green Parties, 124A Battlefield Road, Shrewsbury, SY1 4AQ

Copyright © 2024 The Shropshire Green Parties