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Green Party calls to revoke increased pavement permit charges

22nd May 2019

Traders and shopkeepers in Oswestry have been horrified to find out that the permits they purchase from Shropshire Council so they can place goods in front of their shops have been horrendously increased typically from £50 to over £300 a six-fold increase.

Commenting on the situation Green Party Councillor Rosie Radford who is Chair of the Markets and Town Centre Committee of Oswestry Town Council said "Shropshire Council claims to care about the life of market towns like Oswestry but recently we have seen millions of pounds spent on buying shopping centres in Shrewsbury whilst their charges for pavement permits will deter traders from creating the vibrant town centre we all wish to see in the other towns in Shropshire".

In an email from the Director of Public Health on Tuesday the 21st May Shropshire Council announced it was deferring the implementation of these new charges. Commenting on this Rosie Radford added "Deferral is not the same as revocation, we will continue to campaign on behalf of these traders until the increases are scrapped. We are also calling on Shropshire Council to come clean and tell us which Councillor, or Councillors, approved this increase without consulting the town or the traders".

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Published and promoted by Chris Davenport for the Shropshire Green Parties, 124A Battlefield Road, Shrewsbury, SY1 4AQ

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